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Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Show Trial of Zacarias Moussaoui

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There really is no sadder spectacle than fame-hungry wannabe-martyr Zacarias Moussaoui berating his Zionist-of-a-lawyer for legal negligence and conspiracy; for inflating his role in the attacks to epic proportions; for defending suicide bombing as part of his faith; for fighting with the judge; or for proclaiming that he is certain that President Bush will pardon him and order him released.

The reality of the trial is that there is convincing evidence that Moussaoui is a serial exaggerator, if not an outright liar, who is attempting to ensure his place in the history books and die a brave jihadist’s death at the hands of the tyrannical infidel. His testimony is erratic and inconsistent, his story has changed and fluxuated dramatically since his initial arrest, and he has used the trial for nothing except to spell out his sadly misguided Islamist views. At the same time, the prosecution is engaged in a shameless appeal-to-emotion trial, dragging out the 9/11 victims, and playing the Flight 93 data recorders. Their tactics have worked and every newspaper, radio and television outlet have their eyes fixed on the trial.

Moussaoui deserves neither death, nor the media circus that his trial has become. Its now a grand stage for him to feed his massive ego and air his sadly misguided views. His testimony of his participation in the events of September 11th has been inconsistent to say the least, and his trial has been one large, global soapbox for him to air his views at the expense of American taxpayers. We should deprive him as long as possible of the forty virgins that he so earnestly believes are awaiting him and let him languish in a jail for the rest of his natural life, forgotten and ignored. Let us not even grant him a footnote in the history books.

-E. Desiderius

Relevant Articles:
NY Times – Moussaoui Lashes Out at Defense Team
Washington Post- Moussaoui Lambastes His Lawyers On the Stand
NRP - Moussaoui Lawyers Begin Arguing For Life Sentence
LA Times – Vengeful Moussaoui Proclaims Sanity

Posted by George Gordon | Thursday, April 13, 2006 | E-mail this post

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