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Thursday, April 13, 2006

A Time To Rebuild: The Case For Twin Towers II

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At last report, negotiations with the Port Authority, Governor Pataki and Larry Silverstein had broken down over the construction of the Freedom Tower in New York, to replace the fallen World Trade Centers 1 and 2. Good. The Freedom Tower proposal should be scrapped and Kenneth Gardner and Herbert Belton’s Twin Towers II design proposal should be immediately adopted.

The Twin Towers II proposal is a nearly identical exterior reconstruction of the original twin towers, with the symbolic addition of one additional floor, bringing the two buildings to 111 stories. The new design structurally re-engineers the buildings and adds state-of-the art safety features, as well as incorporates part of the wreckage and footprint of the original two buildings into its memorial of the attacks. Further, the project’s website claims that the design is preferred in “all public polls and by the majority of victim’s families” [1]

The Freedom Tower is a much humbler project. Though, it would technically be taller than the World Trade Center Towers, and even the Sears Tower, the design calls for just 80 usable floors, and one tower instead of two. Only the spire and antenna would push the building onto the list of tallest skyscrapers.

The fact remains that September 11th represented the humbling of American military, economic and political power. The Freedom Tower represents a humbling of the city of New York and of the resolve of the American people. True resolve and strength is in the ability to pick up after a disaster. The World Trade Center towers should rise again, from whence they fell. The choice of the World Trade Center as a target was not accident, it was symbolic: The towers represented American economic dominance and power. They were the ultimate status symbol of American wealth, capitalism and the American way of life. They were imposing, commanding towers that dominated the New York skyline. And then they were destroyed.

Our response to the attacks must be equally symbolic. Rebuilding the Twin Towers would be a powerful symbol of resistance and defiance. It would be a resilient message to the world that America is vigorous and dedicated, and vanquished by none. Our nation has always rebuilt in the face of tragedy. When the White House was burned, it was rebuilt. When the South was ravished by war, it was reconstructed. When San Francesco was destroyed, it rose again. The Twin Towers should rise again, and they should stand as an imposing memorial in-and-of themselves, reminding of courage in the face of adversity, and of resistance in the face of fear. The Freedom Tower is a sorry excuse for resilience. We can do better. Out of the ashes of our defeat should come resolve and determination. It is time for New York to be New York once again. Rebuild the Twin Towers.

-E. Desiderius

WTC II Official Site
Twin Towers II Memorial Foundation

Posted by George Gordon | Thursday, April 13, 2006 | E-mail this post

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