The Case Against Withdrawal Pt. 2: Allawi Says Civil War
Just short three years after the US invasion, when Americans and the rest of the world were promised a smoking gun, a slam dunk, a dictator disarmed and a flourishing democracy, the former Prime Minister Allawi now says its civil war. And unfortunately he may be right.
But if a state of civil war does exist in Iraq, it is a low-intensity one, where the fledging government of the country is still barely intact and still meeting to form a parliament. No one has withdrawn from the negotiations; no one has walked away from the table. The security situation is perilous, but it is not an unmitigated disaster.
Though the United States military forces are stretched thin, the US must maintain her presence in the region, and the United States must call for all available military, economic and diplomatic aid from the world community. Countries like Turkey and Iran directly have a stake in preventing the dissolution of Iraq into separate sectarian parts, and the entire global community has a stake in preventing Iraq from falling apart.
It is unfortunate that in the run up to war, the Bush Administration so recklessly alienated the European and global community, because a summit on the future of Iraq could hold great promise. Teheran has already agreed to talks, it would be simple to include more powers in a truly global summit. A more skilled diplomat, a more gifted orator, and a humbler man than Mr. Bush could ask for the aid of the rest of the international community, for few nations want to prolong the suffering of the long-suffering Iraqi people.